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If you're wondering why are you here then do not fret. I do not know either so panicking and asking questions won't help your situation.

Just kidding. Hey, if you're looking for wisdom or something to read while your boss is looking the other way, then enjoy! I'll try to keep posting and making this blog the most handsome I can make it to be.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Where most problems come from: Lack of telepathy.

Before I start, I'm not gonna go all raging on the religions. Nope. I'm going to talk about the outlook of one on life.

I guarantee this post is without discrimination, even though right now I'm pretty sure that nobody's reading. Go comment! Its fine with me. Even some disagreements. I'd love a good discussion and some more stuff to put on my blog.

So I'm pretty sure that every belief isn't perfect (Excluding religion and science, mind those people out there who'd be looking for a reason to fight.). No I mean PERSONAL beliefs. Like, those who think that the world is unfair, how negativity is alright, and those who put their personal convenience in front seat before anything else.

Lets give an example. So we have this guy called Exa M. Ple. So Exa was raised as a rich boy. So you'd think he'll be all arrogant and stuff. Most people do. But why is that his fault? He had the wealth, and thus being surrounded by conveniences and servants didn't always mean he'd be the most understanding guy. He might have the right and kind heart, but he didn't know how his behavior is considered 'useless' or 'whatever'. 

Most people are what they are because of their childhood. I'm thinking of how people were treated in their whole lives is the reason they are what they are now. We can't all understand the other as they can understand themselves, so I guess that's where most problems of our world stem from. Usually because that misunderstanding has that man having a knife so close to your throat.

So message: Whatever belief you have, even if you see the world through angry eyes remember this: Avoid doing harm unto others and those that destroy yourself from the outside and in.

Yes I've turned into some babbling lunatic who's purpose of the paragraphs was to just say :Be nice. Well I just explained it a bit. I guess your parents are there to point you in the right direction.

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