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If you're wondering why are you here then do not fret. I do not know either so panicking and asking questions won't help your situation.

Just kidding. Hey, if you're looking for wisdom or something to read while your boss is looking the other way, then enjoy! I'll try to keep posting and making this blog the most handsome I can make it to be.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I've Been Gone, Now Back Again (Human Behavior)

If by the freak chance someone reads this: I'm sorry for my month-long absence from posting. Times are tough, y'know?

So let's kick-start this blog with some observations of human behavior. It's strange to see how people go and move about and around and you notice something about them. Well if you want to break humanity and all that's good into tiny little fragments to study on, tally forth!

So the first step to predict and know someone: Know them. As in, be their friend, classmate, boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever, you will notice some things about them. Mannerisms are the first things you should notice. When speaking to him/her, go break your focus on what you were conversing about but the conversation itself. Watch the hands, eyes and mouth. If she waves it around while explaining, or when she's hiding a secret she'd smile. Or something like that.

Second step: Know Infow. That wasn't a typo that was intentionally done for the sake of a catchy rhyming phrase. Anyway, you've gotta know her current situation after knowing her personality. Coincidentally, this is just like writing a story. Since you know about her situation, you've then gotta utilize your knowledge to subtly show your support, like a positive response here and then, and being there for her in general.

And Last Step: Thinking of the course of action. Just because you think you know the situation doesn't mean it's right. You've gotta level them out, what she told you, what she hasn't and what you think the truth is. Even if I said all those things about getting some extra Infow, you can't really know what's inside her head so the best way is to ask for it. Throw in tidbits of "How are you?" in an extremely concerned manner, so she'll open up and you got yourself a better relationship.

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