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Just kidding. Hey, if you're looking for wisdom or something to read while your boss is looking the other way, then enjoy! I'll try to keep posting and making this blog the most handsome I can make it to be.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dual Beliefs.

Patience is a Virtue. Time is Gold. What the flap? Should I wait, or should I value my time and do something?
The chicken and the egg, the long time battle. Which came first?
Order versus Chaos?
I'll address these three below.

Patience is the ability to wait for long periods of time, or something like that. Well, everyone can benefit from having some patience, but what about that 'Time is Gold' thing? I, for one believe that time IS important and it shouldn't be squandered by doing nothing, or worse, the wrong thing. So once upon a time I thought these two are completely conflicting beliefs. I tried living one day through one of them, sometimes the other. Now I know its not different, its the same.

Patience is a virtue BECAUSE Time is gold. You must wait, because waiting for the right moment is spending your time right. Wasting time? No. Think of it as a investing. You wait, and that time you deposited into waiting becomes the golden opportunity.

Next topic. The chicken and the egg battle. Both sides have good reason to be first, but the truth is,
None of them was in the first place.
Its a cycle. Egg->Chicken->Egg. I can complexify it, but it'd be still that.A cycle is a circle, and a circle has no side, and so should those who keep claiming the other came first.It also has no beginning and end. Same with the chicken and egg. Where did the Egg come from? Chickens. Where did THEY come from? The eggs they were hatched from. Now I'd probably hope that some of you out there could PLEASE stop the debate. I've had enough in my class already.

Now about order and chaos?

THIS IS AN EDIT: My one sentence explanation was due to laziness.
 Order is how the world makes sense, how 1 and 1 make 2. Chaos is the force that makes you ask such a stupid question as 1 + 1=?. Order is the box where life is on, Chaos is what happens in it. Order without Chaos stagnates. Chaos without Order is meaningless. 

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